Some of our guests are talented it song writers it seems.... this is from Phil, Linda, Sally, Pat, Malcolm and Robin who were an excellent team. Many thanks for the great company....
"Lindsay took us up today for a spot of undulation, when we were only half way there we'd all opt for flagellation !
Malcolm he's our racing snake, he's up and round the bend. We only see him twice a day...when we start and when we end.
Jambon fromage again today, orange juice and chocolate toffee. We all had it for our lunch but Pat said "who's for coffee?"
Three of us had gammy legs; that's Lindsay, Pat and Phil. We struggled up the mountain slopes, and cursed our way downhill!
Lindsay gave us stretches every day, we watched Robin, Lin and Sally. It wasn't much like exercise, more like le corps de ballet!
Enfin le tour est tout fini. Nous sommes heureux mais fatigues. Chere Lindsay nous te donnes adieux! Let's meet again some day!