T&T Blogs

9 Ways to Prepare for your Winter Holiday

Written by  Julia Tregaskis-Allen 08 December 2017

It’s chilly here in the Alps, and colder still in Scandinavia, the snow's arrived and winter has begun! Permission is granted to get excited about your winter holiday.

Be it on snowshoes or skis preparation for your trip is not only fun and can lift the spirit, but also meanS you'll make the most of your holiday.

A First-Timer's Guide to Snowshoeing

Written by  Julia Tregaskis-Allen 15 November 2017

As we enjoy the beautiful autumn colours and experience the first frosts the mountains across the northern hemisphere are starting to get their winter coat. Winter enthusiasts and the mountain resorts are preparing for the coming season.

Outdoor Photography: Taking Sharper Outdoor Photos

Written by  Julia Tregaskis-Allen 15 November 2017

While out enjoying nature we often wish to capture 'the moment' so that we can later relive our experiences, or share our excitement with others online and through social media. In fact it almost seems that, nowadays, decent photos are a prerequisite from any trip to prove a few bragging rights! There’s almost nothing more frustrating though, then, in returning from a great hike, ski or a day snowshoeing and find that those snaps you took while out on the trail weren’t quite as sharp as you’d first thought… so how did it happen?

Digital Fitness Devices for the Mountains

Written by  Julia Tregaskis-Allen 22 September 2017

Last month’s blog looked at a range of different smartphone apps for navigation, fitness and performance logging that can help you track activities and monitor your training progress. Most of us these days have smartphones and they can be a handy entry point into discovering the utility of digital devices in the outdoors. The utility of smartphones is such that they travel with us almost everywhere: as such, taking them on a run or a hike hardly appears a burden. Indeed, for safety’s sake it’s a good idea to have a phone with you in case of an emergency, or simply to contact others to let them know of your progress or changes to an itinerary. While many great apps indeed exist to aid your exploration and discovery of the mountains, once you’ve discovered their advantages you may find yourself looking to upgrade to a dedicated device designed for the backcountry.

Hiking or Running? There's an App for That!

Written by  Julia Tregaskis-Allen 11 August 2017

Remember the good old days of fumbling with an OS map in a howling wind, then trying to locate the compass in one of your jacket’s many pockets (only to realise its embedded firmly at the bottom of your rucksack…)? Remember too the early heart rate monitors that ate batteries, were clunky and didn’t seem to work reliably for more than a few weeks before they’d start to provide inaccurate readings that were off the charts? Fond memories, indeed! Whilst the growing adoption of digital technologies by those heading out to enjoy the outdoors does remain a little contentious in certain circles, the pitch made by purists that hiking and running should remain tech-free, uncomplicated pursuits is less and less persuasive. Times have changed. Using technology increasingly enhances the outdoor experience, providing opportunities to enhance safety, improve communication with others, analyse performance and share information with other enthusiasts.

Photography - Part 1 - Gear Selection

Written by  Julia Tregaskis-Allen 17 June 2017

While many of us carry a smartphone wherever we go and can snap photos with ease, there’s still something to be said for having a dedicated camera to capture shots of your trip that you’ll really treasure. A slim, lightweight digital compact camera will, for a modest outlay, deliver great quality images from your hike or run.

4 Scenic & Epic Ultramarathons

Written by  Julia Tregaskis-Allen 01 June 2017

A decade ago there were only a handful of off-road races around the world from which an endurance runner could choose to pit him or herself. Now, with the popularity of ultra marathons continuing to grow year by year, part of the challenge is just choosing which one to enter! Of course, one of the highlights of any mountain race is the spectacular scenery — so here’s our guide to four races that offer a sublime visual and sensory experience (and a really tough challenge to boot!):

Spring into Form — Shorter Workouts to Boost Fitness

Written by  Lindsay Cannon 24 March 2017

Spring is in the air and the warmer weather is definitely an added incentive to step outside and get more exercise. With busy lives it can be a little difficult, however, to manage schedules and make time for a lengthy workout… How, then, to maximise the ‘return on investment’ for those precious minutes you’re really able to be active each day? Lately sports scientists have been dedicating much of their research to discovering what’s the most time-effective way to improve one’s fitness level — much of the emphasis being placed on how efficient and effective overall our training actually is. Research has also identified the added benefits of sticking to a regular programme of fitness: focusing on regular workouts, however short, can deliver additional improvements in our athletic abilities and proves especially rewarding.

Snowshoeing in the Alps

Written by  Lindsay Cannon 02 February 2017

Snowshoeing continues to grow in popularity. More and more of you are realising that hiking in the winter mountains is a marvellous way to experience the beauty of nature. One of our most popular snowshoeing trips it the fabulous Traverse of the Chablais a long distance hike over six days. Since we first introduced this trip it has become a 'classic' for those who love the winter mountains. We visit remote villages, stay in characterful family run hotels, sample delicious local food, and get lots of fresh air and exercise. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Discovery on Skis

Written by  Lindsay Cannon 04 November 2016

At first, to be quite honest, I could never quite appreciate the appeal of cross country skiing, having only briefly tuned in to see the epic exertions of Lycra-clad athletes on Eurosport one Saturday afternoon - from the comfort of my own armchair. I wondered whether a decade’s training might not be enough to get me to that level. Then I realised I was missing the point entirely!

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